Let me show you the flow of a typical session (based on a Standard Package Session).

  • First things first, when you arrive we'll have a chat (of course with tea or coffee) to get to know each other a little bit and so I can find out what you want to achieve from the session. For actors, we will talk about what type of roles you want to go for in the future. For corporate/therapist clients, we will talk about your business and branding.

  • We can then go through the clothing options that you have brought with you and I'll make some suggestions for the shoot.

    When you are ready for the first look, I'll make sure the lighting is set up perfectly for you and take a couple of test shots to begin with and also chat a little bit about posing. When everything is set, we'll start shooting.

  • When we have finished shooting with the first look and you are happy with how its going, you will be able to change into the second look (change of clothes / hairstyle change / shave for guys). I'll make sure the lighting is all set and we will begin shooting again.

    If you require any outdoor images as well, we will be able to head outside and get some beautiful natural light shots. Depending on the look (and the weather), we might spend more time outside or in studio, but this is flexible so we can always adapt as the session continues.

  • We’ll have a check in to see how you are doing as well as having another tea or coffee if needed!

    When you are ready its time for another clothing change and look. The session will be in full swing by now and so we will keep shooting and changing looks for as long as time allows

  • After we have finished shooting, we’ll sit down and if you want to review some of the shots we can. I’ll walk you through the process of logging into your online gallery and how to choose your shots for retouching.

  • The best images from the shoot are put online in a password protected gallery (I'll keep all the images on a server for 2 years).

    You are then able to review and choose your favourite images at your leisure. A link to the gallery can also be sent to your agent or anyone else if you wish.

  • Your images will be professionally edited and then you'll be emailed a link to download the final high resolution images.